Have You Seen Your Mother, Baby, Standing in the Shadow?


Has visto a tu madre, nena, Parada entre las sombras?
Has visto a tu madre, nena, Parada entre las sombras?
Tienes a otro mas, nena, Parado entre las sombras?
Me alegro por abrirte los ojos
Los Pobres habrían tratado de congelarte en hielo
Has visto a tu hermano, nena, Parado entre las sombras
Se me paso el tiempo
Estoy completamente solo, no quieres darme toda tu simpatía a mi?
Cuéntame una historia de como me adorabas
Vive entre las sombras, observa a través de la sombra, como nosotros
Vive dentro de las sombras, Llora en la sombra, como nosotros
Odia en la sombra, Y ama en tu oscura vida
Has visto a tu amante, nena, Parado entre las sombras?
has tenido a otro mas, nena, Parado entre las sombras?
Nena, Donde has estado toda tu vida?
Hablando de toda la gente que intenta cualquier cosa dos veces
Has visto a tu madre, nena, Parada entre las sombras?
Toma tu decisión en este momento
El feliz viejo mundo o el tobogán hacia las profundidades de la decadencia
Have You Seen Your Mother, Baby, Standing in the Shadow?
Have you seen your mother, baby, standing in the shadow?
Have you had another, baby, standing in the shadow?
I'm glad I opened your eyes
The havenots would have tried to freeze you in ice
Have you seen your brother, baby, standing in the shadow?
I was just passing the time
I'm all alone, won't you give all your symphaty to mine?
Tell me a story about how you adore me
Live in the shadow, see through the shadow, how we
Live through the shadow, tear at shadow, how we
Hate in the shadow, and love in your shadowy life
Have you seen your lover, baby, standing in the shadow?
Has he had another, baby, standing in the shadow?
Baby, where have you been all your life?
Talking about all the people who would try anything twice
Have you seen your mother, baby, standing in the shadow?
You take your choice at this time
The brave old world or the slide to the depths of decline